Conserve water, revitalize your soil, fix compaction, and enhance the quality of your turf from tee to green.
Golf Course Value Propositions
Water Use
RainBox treatment generally reduces irrigation water requirements approximately 20%. Reductions in excess of 20% can be experienced through more efficient storage of natural rain water. Ask for our complete water reduction package.
Wetting Agents
Reduced or eliminated (increased infiltration rates, viscosity reduction in treated water).
Fertilizer Use Reduction
Aerobic soil environment reduces chemical fertilizer need
Mechanical Aeration
Reduced or eliminated (compaction is relieved by irrigation).
Course Damage
Standing water reduced or eliminated minimizing cart damage and gets the course back into play faster after rains. Divot and impact marks are more easily repaired.
Playability and Aesthetics
Turf becomes more resilient as compaction is relieved. Increased turf health and root growth provide a consistent, healthy look to the fairways and greens together with the trees, shrubs and other landscaping.
Drought Resistance
Increased soil water holding capacity and reduced permanent wilting point together with increased turf health improves drought resistance.
System Maintenance
Biofilms reduced or eliminated, prevention of scale or precipitation formation, sprayer uniformity restored, filter and sprayer cleaning reduced or eliminated.
Deep Watering
Improved hydraulic conductivity and water infiltration and distribution rates facilitates the incorporation of longer wetting cycles to manage root zone characteristics.
Microbial Life
Support of aerated soils and dynamic moisture and nutrient movements by RainBox improve diversity and relative abundance of beneficial soil microbes.
Note: Individual courses will respond to RainBox treated water differently due to variations in soil type, climatic conditions and operating procedures. The results for individual courses will accordingly be highly variable and cannot be specifically warranted or guaranteed. Typically responses are greater the lower the quality of the irrigation water.

The RainBox – the ultimate solution for transforming your golf course’s water treatment system. With the RainBox, you can improve water quality while reducing water usage, all while saving money in the process – MAKING EVERY DROP COUNT.
The RainBox uses cutting-edge technology to mimic rainwater, buffer pH, and support soil regeneration. Plus, it may reduce water and fertilizer usage by up to 30%, making it an eco-friendly choice that will help you reduce your carbon footprint.
RainBox water treatment lets grasses grow longer roots and more hair roots, resulting in healthier more resilient turf. Tee to green, your golf course will look and feel more playable.
Upgrade to the RainBox and see the difference it can make for your golf course today.Testimonials

Director of Agronomy, Stewart Creek Golf Course
After 30 days of use, we had a one inch rain event where we saw a vast improvement of water infiltration, minimal amounts of surface runoff and standing water. It was in that event that first caught our attention as something completely different that what we had seen over the years.